Aimbot ruler for shellshock live plugin
Aimbot ruler for shellshock live plugin

aimbot ruler for shellshock live plugin

as i said aimbot refers to a bot that is prgramed to aim for you like in COD the aimbot lines the gun up for you so you shoot at the enimy directly. so that video is an aimbot, this ruler is no a aim bot. let me explain we are talking about a ruler made of paper that has the mesurements of the angles on there u line ur tank with the corner of the ruler then line it up with the other tank and were the angle is u shoot e.g if i had ruled it up and the number on the ruler was 75 i would shoot at 100 power and an angle of 75. the video linked is complitely diffrent to what were talking about where talking about a peice of paper, that video shows an actual aimbot hack witch is cheating and i would say it should be banned. That is what the creator decided to call it.

aimbot ruler for shellshock live plugin

Look at the video linked, the name of the Aimbot is "Aimbot Ruler". Originally posted by breadfan2:what im saying is there taking the word aimbot out of context its literly AIM BOT a bot that aims for you this is a ruler, a ruler you use to aim for your self and you the one doing the math and calculating wheres its going to land instead of a BOT aiming for you if you were useing aim bot like the on in the vid that cobalt posted thats an example of a program designed to aim for all the lazy shi.ts now if you look at the shellshock ruler its an example of a pice of paper designed so that you can calculate were its going to lad your self.

Aimbot ruler for shellshock live plugin